Assignment - History of QA

Assignment 1: Share Your Insights on Quality Assurance History

Task: This week, we'd like you to post a brief reflection or takeaway from the "History of Quality Assurance" video in the #weekly-assignments channel on Discord.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Watch the video again: Review the history of Quality Assurance, key figures, and milestones discussed.
  2. Pro Tip: Grab a pen and paper (or use whatever note-taking method works best for you) as writing things down can greatly improve your ability to remember them later!

  3. Reflect: Share one key point or interesting fact that stood out to you.
  4. Post on Discord: Write a 2-3 sentence post in the #weekly-assignments channel. You can talk about anything from the importance of TQM, how QA has evolved over the years, or a particular figure like Deming or Shewhart who inspired you.

Example Post: "I found it fascinating how Deming's quality management principles reshaped Japan’s manufacturing industry in the 1940s. It really highlights how QA can transform not only companies but entire economies!"